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Recruitment and Selection of interns and trainees

Duas jovens no processo seletivo da Companhia de Estágios

Attract, recruit, and select the best talents in the market.

Team of dedicated specialists for entry programs.

Database with over 2 million candidates.

Recruitment with Artificial Intelligence.

Operating in Latin America.

Humanization is the key to selection

Did you know that humanization reduces candidate dropouts in selection processes? And it also helps them create connections with your company. Cool, right?

You can count on us to apply this in practice in your Recruitment & Selection process, just as we did with Vivara.

The mission of creating unique and special moments is rooted in everything Vivara does. And we translated this essence into the "Shining Talents Internship Program". Check out this success story in the video.


“When you said that you made every moment special, you weren’t kidding!”

Conduct Recruitment & Selection with more diversity and inclusion

A diverse team can bring different perspectives, values, creativity, and innovation to the teams.

Our methodology, aligned with our specialists and a diverse talent pool, offers selection processes without distinction of gender, sexuality, age, etc.

The last two Internship Programs at Corteva focused on diversity and inclusion, and 100% of the approved candidates fit the sought-after profiles.

Young black woman in a wheelchair posing for a photo

Strengthen your Employer Branding with Recruitment Marketing

Employer branding works of the Companhia de Estágios

To attract the ideal talents for your company and assist in employer branding, we handle all your Recruitment Marketing!

Career page and production of customized materials

Engagement on social media with posts, livestreams, and filters

Press Assistance to get your program in the media

Want to post a job opening for free?

In just a few clicks, advertise your position independently to over 2 million candidates on Bluy, a company of Companhia de Estágios for all types of vacancies.

Intern smiling while using the computer

Our work goes far beyond. We are partners throughout the talents' journey in the companies.

Fedex Bic Alcoa DSM Gerdau Andrade Gutierrez Henkel Azul Carrefour Ayrton Senna Brasilseg Abbott Corteva Amazon Goodyear
Seguros Unimed Prio John Deere Tilibra Vivara Volvo Livelo Twitter Lenovo OLX Scania Ultra Odontoprev Sanofi Klabin

Let's talk about the future of your company?